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TOP Talent Development Readiness Evaluation

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Compiled employee engagement survey results from Gallup and other organizations indicate that most employees are looking to develop their skills to prepare them for better performance and the next step in their careers.

The introduction of a talent development system can, in some sense, be considered as “disruptive” to a company's culture. Therefore, it makes sense to understand what needs to be in place for a successful implementation, as well as your “readiness” to accept such a strategy.

After you complete this evaluation and receive your results, you may be happy with where you are or want to improve just a few things. That’s fine—you don’t need to move through things in sequence. Focus on your problem areas. Realize that not everyone needs or wants to reach level four. For many organizations, being a level three is enough. Evaluate your internal resources, and set your target level from there. It’s important though to take an honest look at your organization’s current capabilities relative to your strategy, and make a plan to move forward.

The contact information is required so we can email you your results. We'll also send you the results from all responses in a later newsletter.

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